Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

National Geographic sparks mainstream reaction on Tar Sands

*Oilsands will never get a fair shake*

*Lamphier:* I've always had a thing for National Geographic. Without
access to its pictures, I'm sure I would have flunked Grade 5 geography.
My projects on the Great Pyramids of Egypt or the lost Incan city of
Machu Picchu would have been a crashing bore. I know that in my heart.

* Canada needs the oil sands*

*NP:* National Geo-graphic magazine's current ar ticle on Al -berta's
oil sands is little more than a glossy, seven-colour smear job on behalf
of the environmental movement. No effort is made to offer any balance.
From the article's title -- "Scraping Bottom" .. _*MORE...*

* Oilsands spread a turning point?*

*Ed. Journal:* National Geographic has a knack for showcasing images
that reflect both the world's beauty and its harsh realities --
sometimes at the same time. So it is no surprise that some Albertans are
chagrined to see the feature-length article.. _*MORE...*

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