Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Peak Oil

Peak Oil

Peak Oil is starting to be understood across a broad spectrum, but the direct connection between peak oil, climate change and the American market-led attempt to squeeze all energy out of Alberta cannot be overstated. The smaller the global supply of oil gets, the more CO2 has been emitted and the more climate change will have advanced. This leads to more interest in the tar sands—because the profit margin goes ever higher the fewer alternatives there are for petroleum. Without Peak Oil bearing down on humanity, no economical reason would exist to produce this energy intensive, low-output petrol.

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Peak Oil is starting to be understood across a broad spectrum, but the direct connection between peak oil, climate change and the American market-led attempt to squeeze all energy out of Alberta cannot be overstated. The smaller the global supply of oil gets, the more CO2 has been emitted and the more climate change will have advanced. This leads to more interest in the tar sands—because the profit margin goes ever higher the fewer alternatives there are for petroleum. Without Peak Oil bearing down on humanity, no economical reason would exist to produce this energy intensive, low-output petrol.

Parkland on the Stelmach royalty decision

Stelmach royalty decision shows it will be business as usual for Alberta
In reality, royalties will fall by over $2 billion over the next ten years -- even with the changes announced Thursday

Diana Gibson and Ricardo Acuña, Freelance

Albertans can finally stop holding their breath. After extensive public consultation by the royalty review panel, lukewarm reception of the panel's report and extensive backroom consultation with industry, Premier Ed Stelmach has finally made his royalty policy announcement.

Food or BioFuel? According to the IMF and others

Biofuels Hurt Food Prices, Water Quality and Supply 23 October 07

Scientists, researchers and economists are warning the production of biofuels could undermine food output, drive up food prices, create water shortages, and impact water quality.

An International Water Management Institute report examines China and India's plans to increase biofuel production from irrigated maize and sugarcane. The report indicates biofuels will require large quantities of water, and increase demand for land at the expense of nature.

Alberta's tar sands to supply South Dakota's oil projects

Alberta's tar sands to supply South Dakota's oil projects

Pipeline, refinery would tap into Canadian crude
Oct 23, 2007 04:30 AM
Dirk Lammers



Harper's Index

October 21, 2007

Harper's Index
Stephen Harper introduces the tar sands issue

by Stephen Harper

The Dominion - http://www.dominionpaper.ca

We are currently the fifth largest energy producer in the world. We rank 3rd and 7th in global gas and oil production respectively. We generate more hydro-electric power than any other country on earth. And we are the world’s largest supplier of uranium. But that’s just the beginning.

Non-OPEC Oil Production

Non-OPEC Oil Production
Toni Johnson, Staff Writer
October 19, 2007
Council on Foreign Relations


Tar Sands and the American Automobile

October 18, 2007

Tar Sands and the American Automobile
Heavy crude largely heads south to fuel American cars

by Yves EnglerBianca Mugyenyi

The Dominion - http://www.dominionpaper.ca

A traffic jam during shift change, near Fort McMurray. The tar sands will primarily fuel North America's vast fleet of cars. Photo: Dru Oja Jay

The following is an edited excerpt from a forthcoming book by Bianca Mugyenyi and Yves Engler, tentatively titled Stop Signs: A road trip through the USA to explore the culture, politics and economics of the car.

Beaufort find is oil, not gas

Beaufort find is oil, not gas

Devon Canada gas hunt yields oil; company seeks partners; oil poses challenges
By Gary Park
For Petroleum News

Devon Canada has posted the first oil find in the Canadian Beaufort Sea in 25 years — a twist of fortune for the company which had been hoping for trillions of cubic feet of gas to spur progress on the Mackenzie Gas Project.

“We had expected gas, so we are somewhat surprised, but this is a lot better than just water,” Dennis Johnston, Devon Canada’s frontier exploration manager, told Petroleum News.

Two Separate Demos on Tar Sands Royalties

Two Rallies On Oil Royalties
Oct, 17 2007 - 10:20 AM

CALGARY/AM770CHQR - With just days to go until the premier announces his decision on whether to hike oil and gas royalties in Alberta, two rallies are being held with two very different messages.
Quattro Energy Services is urging any and all grassroots oilworkers to come to the steps of the Legislature at 11 a.m. Wednesday for a rally against royalty increases.
Quattro President Derrick Jacobson warns this province shouldn't bite the hand that feeds it.

An oil & gas Shangri-la in the Arctic?

Published on 10 Oct 2007 by ASPO-USA / Energy Bulletin. Archived on 10 Oct 2007.
An oil & gas Shangri-la in the Arctic?

by Dave Cohen

Scientists say the Arctic contains 25% of the world's undiscovered oil and gas. Why not 100%?
— Stephen Colbert, from the Colbert Report

Water needs for potential oil shale industry could complicate thing (Colorado)

Water needs for potential oil shale industry could complicate thing

garfield county correspondent
September 15, 2007

GRAND JUNCTION — America’s thirst for oil is threatening to add to the thirst for water in the West.

Meeting the nation’s energy needs also is threatening water quality in the region, speakers said Friday at a seminar in Grand Junction on energy development’s impacts on water. The seminar was organized by the Colorado River District, based in Glenwood Springs.

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