Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

War and Security

War and Security

The tarsands are only economical at a certain price per barrel. The attacks on Iraq and Somalia, along with threats against Venezuela, Iran and elsewhere all combine to drive that price up. This significantly leaves the US economic structures able to tighten their control on oil distribution around the world as they de-diversify their oil imports to heavy reliance on tarsand (mock) oil, growing in percentage at a incredible pace. Canada is ever more integrating this (mock) oil into the North American grid, at the behest of both Canadian and American corporations. While Iraq's oil is disrupted often, Canada has no national reserve system and the corporations are aiming to extract up to 25% of American economical daily requirements from the tarsands in less than a decade. With NAFTA Expanding into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) more and more of these policies become removed from the public realm and help maintain exploitation and war on the planet and people within it by a tag team of nation-states from North America.

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The tarsands are only economical at a certain price per barrel. The attacks on Iraq and Somalia, along with threats against Venezuela, Iran and elsewhere all combine to drive that price up. This significantly leaves the US economic structures able to tighten their control on oil distribution around the world as they de-diversify their oil imports to heavy reliance on tarsand (mock) oil, growing in percentage at a incredible pace. Canada is ever more integrating this (mock) oil into the North American grid, at the behest of both Canadian and American corporations. While Iraq's oil is disrupted often, Canada has no national reserve system and the corporations are aiming to extract up to 25% of American economical daily requirements from the tarsands in less than a decade. With NAFTA Expanding into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) more and more of these policies become removed from the public realm and help maintain exploitation and war on the planet and people within it by a tag team of nation-states from North America.

As Obama and Harper meet, activists block mine and company faces trial

U.S., Canada ties get messy with oil sands issue
As Obama and Harper meet, activists block mine and company faces trial
Sept. 16, 2009

WASHINGTON - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Wednesday met with President Barack Obama at the White House, bringing with him some environmental baggage: Activists back home were squatting at a huge open pit mine used to get oil from tar sands, while a company this week pleaded not guilty to charges it was negligent in the deaths of 1,600 birds that flew into a tar sands waste reservoir.

Edmonton Journal Spin to ramp up security at Tar Sands mines

It was only a matter of time that the corporate media and their owners used resistance to tar sands destruction and death to raise the spectre of "terror". Let's hope that people are able to defend their civil liberties from this utter nonsense.


Greenpeace protesters breach “secure” oilsands site

By Richard Warnica, edmontonjournal.com
September 15, 2009

Why the British are invading the oil patch

Why the British are invading the oil patch
Nathan Vanderklippe

Calgary — Globe and Mail
Sep. 09, 2009

At a time when thousands of Alberta's oil and construction workers have lost their jobs, the British Trade Office in Calgary has added to its numbers as it handles a surge in interest from corporations back home, many of them interested in bringing to Canada expertise gained from work in the North Sea.

Tar sands under attack on environment globally

Oil sands under attack on environment

The industry is accustomed to defending its image in North America, but it now faces a multifront war, with opposition growing from Norway to Washington

Shawn McCarthy

Ottawa — Globe and Mail
Sep. 15, 2009

The environmental battle over Alberta's oil sands is going global, forcing the industry to respond to new attacks on its record and putting fresh pressure on Ottawa.

Statoil's Alberta role an issue in election

Norwegian vote may kill oilsands stake

Statoil's Alberta role an issue in election

By Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald
September 12, 2009

T he fate of Statoil- Hydro's oilsands investments in Canada could hinge on the outcome of Norway's general election Monday.

The presence of Norway's state-owned oil producer in northeast Alberta has emerged as a contentious issue in the country's bitterly contested vote, which some are saying is too close to call.

Mystery location of the Climate Camp

Mystery location of the Climate Camp
Updated on 26 August 2009
By Tom Clarke

Organisers of the annual Camp for Climate Action are taking the secrecy of the London location for this summer's protest very seriously, as Tom Clarke finds out.
Police plan for Climate camp (credit:Getty Images)

"Can you give us ANY idea where climate camp is going to be?" I ask my contact for this year's anti-emissions protest. "Anywhere inside the M25, but it will be on open ground" they tell me. Well that helps.

Head in the Tar Sands? The New York Times Runs Anti-Peak Oil Op-Ed

Head in the Tar Sands? The New York Times Runs Anti-Peak Oil Op-Ed
BY Anya Kamenetz
Tue Aug 25, 2009 at 10:33 AM

Earlier this month, the world's chief energy economist told the UK Independent that global oil production was likely to peak in 10 years, with a "global energy crunch" starting as soon as next year.

Imperial takes fresh look at $1B plan; would use "cogeneration".

"Co-generation"-- a term that means burning the waste gunk at the bottom of a barrel of extracted bitumen, for energy-- is a massive increase in carbon footprint, in the name of 'efficiency'. It was originally developed by Ormat-- the parent of tar sands developer Opti-- to develop oil shale in 1948 Palestine. The dirtiest plant in terms of "intensity" (the reduction of which is supposedly the goal of the Harper co2 plan) is the Opti and Nexen Long Lake plant south of Fort McMurray.

Search Narrows for Pipeline Bomber

Search Narrows for Pipeline Bomber
Second threatening letter sets eyes on Tomslake community.
By Greg Amos, 17 Jul 2009, TheTyee.ca

The investigation related to the six northeast B.C. pipeline infrastructure bombings is narrowing in on a small community near the Alberta border, where bloodlines lead back to Sudeten Germans expelled from western Czechoslovakia after World War Two.

China, Venezuela, et al: Three energy deals, $78B

Three energy deals, $78B
August 18, 2009

While there's been a frenzy of deals in the alternative energy market, fossil fuels still dominate the numbers when it comes to consumption and investment from companies such as Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE:XOM). Note these three deals involving China and Australia, Russia and Venezuela, and Iran and Malaysia.

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